Pain is quite universally an unpleasant feeling that sooner or later happens to everyone. Most often it signals some kind of injury, such as a scratch or bruise, and passes after a short time. Sometimes, however, the pain drags on for weeks or even months, robbing us of our energy…
Your foot and PLANTILLAS MAGNETINC insoles.
Feet are the foundation and support of our daily lives. Like the hands, they consist of many delicate bones, cartilage, muscles and tendons that do the vital work of keeping us upright. Unfortunately, this extremely important function is often underestimated and the well-being of our feet ignored. Until something goes…
Bladder problem? NUTRI VITALIN tablets
Our bladder, like the entire urinary system, is one of the most important such systems in our body. It helps us regulate the amount of water in the body, get rid of various types of waste and excess vitamins or minerals, and thanks to the kidneys, it also filters our…
Acust Oil Max – and hear better
Hearing is one of the five main senses that helps us function from day to day and interact with both the world and other people. The soothing influence of music, fruitful conversations with our loved ones, the horn that warns us of an oncoming car, or even maintaining our balance…