Weight loss diet – how do I keep it up?

A weight-loss diet is always a good idea, especially if we feel bad about our body or if our excess weight could be a source of health problems. However, sticking to a diet and thinking how to lose 10 kilos when the results are not immediately visible is another matter. Much more difficult. Therefore, in such a situation, it is worth knowing a few rules on how to maintain your diet.

Weight loss diet … is it too hard for me?

A weight-loss diet brings healthy and desirable results, but … for many people it is a difficult task. Even with the use of natural fat burners, it happens that after a few days of healthy eating, people revert to their bad habits such as: yeast for the first breakfast, coffee for the second, a casual lunch and a sweet buttermilk somewhere in between. Such actions cause our thoughts of “how do I lose weight fast?” to be replaced by “what unhealthy thing am I going to eat today”. As a result, this can lead not only to the breakdown of our diet, but also the return of bad habits and a worsening of our pre-diet state.

In the meantime, it is enough to look at healthy eating and oneself in a slightly different way to be able to maintain the effects for longer, and preferably forever. It’s worth realising that a weight-loss diet is not a nightmare we have to wake up from or an adversary we have to overcome. Our diet can become a source of positive energy and a goal we are eager to pursue. To achieve this, however, we need to change our approach slightly.


Weight loss diet … a healthy approach

Overweight and obese people have trouble with self-discipline, so they often stop losing weight and forget even their best weight loss products. To avoid this, it is important to change your approach and start setting realistic goals, with a deadline for achieving them. This is because a weight loss diet is a big challenge for the psyche and the body. Before you start losing weight, study the following list of principles to help you achieve your goals:

  1. Make a realistic plan

Overweight and obese people find it difficult to be self-disciplined, so they break their diets. To avoid this, set yourself realistic goals with a deadline. An overly ambitious agenda will lead to frustration, guilt, depressive states and consequent overeating. If you are fond of sweets, eat them, for example, once a week, but in moderation. When you eat a cake at a party, nothing will happen, provided you get back on track the next day. The same applies to other blacklisted foods. If you’re on a restrictive diet, you’ll be constantly thinking about how to lose weight fast and what you mustn’t eat, and this risks compulsive eating. It’s a good idea to make sure everyone in the house eats the same thing. You’ll feel happier if everyone eats grilled pork instead of breaded porkchops for dinner and a fruit salad for afternoon tea.

  1. Start keeping a diary

Write down everything you eat, when you eat it, with whom you eat it, what emotions accompany it. Then it will be easier for you to observe why you are gaining weight and make some changes in your life. Do you overeat during stressful situations at work, or in the evening because you haven’t eaten much all day, or do you snack all evening after a hard day. Also analyse how the slimming patches are working for you, in which situations they have worked more or less.

  1. Don’t beat yourself up and don’t criticise

With dieting it’s a bit like weight loss patches – they will work slightly differently on everyone. That’s why sometimes dieting triggers different emotions and reactions in us. When something unpleasant happened during the day, your boss didn’t appreciate your work, your husband forgot to pay the bills, then say to yourself, “Actually, nothing like that happened, there are no perfect people, everyone is entitled to failures”. The same goes for weight. If you are maintaining your diet and the weight is stagnant it doesn’t mean you are on the wrong track. It means you need more time. So … don’t dwell on these situations in the evening and then you will avoid snacking.

  1. Eat mindfully

Consciousness is the best product for weight loss. So eat at the same time 4-5 times a day, but small portions. When you feel hungry after a full day, you are very likely to throw up on food in the evening. From the list of low-calorie foods, choose the ones you like, because eating is supposed to be a pleasure. Don’t play the role of penitent. Instead of regretting not eating chips, be happy to eat a whole bowl of your favourite salad. Eat at a nicely set table, in a relaxed atmosphere, slowly and carefully biting into each bite. This is when the signal reaches your brain sooner that you’ve had enough. If you eat on the run, you quickly lose track of how much you have actually eaten and the feeling of satiety is delayed. Focus all your attention on your plate – don’t read, watch TV or work on your computer, because you won’t notice when your appetite is satisfied. Put a portion on your plate and don’t add to it. Leave the table immediately after eating.

  1. Don’t focus on food

When you get the urge to snack, keep yourself occupied with something that will make you forget about food – go out for a walk, call a friend, go to the pool, go to the gym, watch an interesting film. After a while you’ll realise that it’s not just food that makes you feel better. Avoid boredom, because then you reflexively reach for snacks.

  1. Get help if you need it

Dieting for weight loss is a challenge and not an easy one. If you are not managing your excess weight on your own, get help from a therapist, dietician or psychologist. He or she will help you find the cause of the problem, point out the mistakes and the way out. The specialist will make you aware of what a lifestyle change actually involves and help you to regain your self-esteem.

Losing weight is not an easy thing to do, and thoughts like ‘how to lose weight fast’ can only hinder our process. Hence, a plan and conscious action is needed when dieting. By sticking to the above sub-points, we can create an action plan that will help us follow our weight loss diet rules. So … there is nothing stopping you from taking the first action and starting to lose weight effectively.

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