Sport is a natural fat burner, which combined with a diet can bring the desired success in the form of losing unwanted kilograms. However, it is worth knowing that among sports, there are some that burn fat more or less. Jogging may be very effective, but it is worth preparing for it. Here are some tips on how to do it.
Why do people run?
Running is not just a workout for keen athletes. For several years now, running has been gaining a growing number of followers who hope to see quick results from their efforts. Running has become a form of entertainment, a way of spending free time, getting rid of negative emotions or a suitable addition to a weight-loss diet when we want to shed unwanted kilograms.
However, it is worth knowing at the outset that running is a physical activity that, in principle, requires no special preparation or financial outlay. What matters is motivation and taking the first step in a warm-up jog. Of course, one should not forget about suitable footwear or comfortable clothes, but the most important element of successful training is the will to take up the challenge. Running is all about fast and visible effects. These effects, importantly, do not only concern the benefits for the body, but also for the spirit. This is because running has a beneficial effect on our cardiovascular system. This is possible because jogging lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and raises the ‘good’ HDL. People with high blood pressure who jog regularly naturally lower it,
In addition, jogging strengthens the heart, as running makes the heart muscle stronger and more efficient, and also reduces the strain on the heart, as runners show a stronger heart, usually have a lower resting heart rate and take in more oxygen. As a result, the organ can cope with pumping more blood. It is also worth mentioning that running helps prevent blood clots in the arteries and blood vessels and promotes healthy blood flow. These examples show that running is not only an effective fat burner, but has a very positive effect on our body, as we will probably say more than once.
Preparing for running.
With running, it’s a bit like going on a diet. Before you start, it is worth preparing for it by choosing a menu and the type of slimming patches. It is also worth preparing for running, as this affects our results. So what is worth bearing in mind …
- Start calmly
Your body can take running hard if you don’t prepare properly. You could get injured or lose motivation. Don’t approach exercise with an all-or-nothing mentality. Just imagine yourself in three months’ time, in better shape. Give yourself time to prepare, organise your equipment and training plan.
- It counts strength how long we run, not how far
You can start running with 10 minutes and add 5 minutes every week. You can also train in intervals (alternating between running and walking). Make a note of the distance you cover in a certain amount of time one week and try to increase that distance the next week. Once you are able to run continuously for 30 minutes, you can start training using distance measures. It’s not about how much you’ve run at once just how long you’ve done it for.
- Observe your body
It is important to listen to your body, because if there is pain, it is a sign that it is time to rest. Not all pain and discomfort means you should stop training. It’s worth looking out for signs of overtraining, such as fatigue, loss of motivation, loss of appetite, sleep problems, etc. These are all signals from the body to give it a break.
- A plan is also important
Running requires planning. It is worth deciding how often you can allow yourself to train and when you can do it. Planning is important as it will help us to stay regular when running and exercising.
- Define the objective
Once there is a plan, it is also worth setting a goal. You should break your goal down into several steps so that you can achieve small successes more easily and more often. If you want to lose weight, start with a resolution to eat healthily and run around the neighbourhood twice a week.
- Monitor progress
One of the best ways to stay motivated is to record your results. On the first day you may only be able to run 5 minutes before you lose your breath, but by the tenth day you will have run 10 minutes without any problems. If you’re having a bad day and lacking energy, look back at your results from a few months ago and you’ll realise what you’ve achieved so far. Running for 30 minutes through intervals will stop being a problem for you sooner than you think.
- Warm-up and stretch
No matter the distance or time, warming up and stretching is extremely important. Failure to warm up can lead to stretched muscles, and by skipping the stretching part you risk having legs like lead the next day. A proper warm-up can start with a brisk walk or slow jog before moving on to a run. In the final part of your workout, do a series of stretching exercises.
- Don’t toughen up
This is important, especially for fresh runners. Even marathon runners know the value of rest. Muscles need time and energy to be in good shape. Otherwise they are weakened, increasing the risk of injury. Run one day, rest the next, it’s the easiest way to make sure you don’t get into trouble at the start of your running adventure.
- Hydrate your body
Water is the most important thing you need when training. Don’t consume excessive amounts in quick succession and in big gulps; drink in small portions throughout the day so that your body is always well hydrated. If you are going to be running in a few hours, drink more. For shorter distances, you don’t need to take water with you. Always top up your water levels after a workout.
- Eat healthy and regularly
A good weight loss diet is important for all of us, but when running you should take special care of it. Eat healthy so that you have the energy for your sport. Eat three times a day, with two extra snacks, so that you maintain an efficient metabolism. A healthy, balanced diet will result in high performance, well-being and motivation for further training.
Jogging is one of the most popular forms of sport that can produce amazing results in terms of improved fitness, a slimmer figure, better wellbeing and improved health. However, as with any challenge, it is worth preparing for running first. The above tips can help.