In the world of fashion, we find people who, although they have discovered their patent on how to lose weight fast, still face a lot of heckling from the environment. These are usually people who shatter the stereotypical view of models and try to go their own way. One such model is undoubtedly Kate Upton.
The perfect start?
Kate Upton is an American model, fashion designer and actress born in St. Joseph in June 1992. She is the daughter of Shelley Davis, a former Texas state tennis champion, and Jeff Upton, an athletics teacher. The woman is also related to Fred Upton, great-grandfather of the co-founder of the Whirpool Corporation home appliance company. Such a start suggests that young Kate not only knows how to take care of her figure and how to lose 10 kilos, but also how to turn a fortune.
In 1999 Kate moved with her family to Melbourne, Florida where she began her studies at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy. She also competed in national equestrian competitions in which she won many medals. Shortly thereafter, her modelling career took off.
Career false start?
At the age of 16, Kate took part in her first casting call. It was a model selection for the Elite Model Management agency in Miami, which the girl won without much trouble. Following her lead, just one year later she moved to New York where she started a permanent collaboration with the IMG Models agency. One of Kate’s first assignments was to advertise clothing for Garage and Dooney & Brouker, and to be the face for the well-known brand Guess. Three years later, the girl appeared for the first time in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue magazine, thus getting an engagement for Beach Bunny Swimwear. At some point, however, there was an unexpected change.
Turning twenty, young Kate’s body, like that of many other women, began to change. As she grew older, the woman’s hips began to grow, her breasts flattened and she lost her waistline. Her teenage figure began to change drastically as if her body stopped acting as a natural fat burner. Such a change was very quickly met with a huge amount of heckling from the modelling community. Competitors began to accuse the young girl of not taking care of herself, being fat, lazy and unfit to work in any agency. Kate’s first reaction was not a weight loss diet but self-starvation.

Accept yourself
A strong and concentrated attack from the competition meant that the young woman began to lose confidence. Although many agencies wanted to continue working with her, Kate began to doubt her beauty and uniqueness. Instead of going on a weight loss diet and starting to work on her body, she began to starve herself and try to regain her old figure as quickly as possible. Unfortunately. Not only did such situations not lead to natural fat burning, but they had a very bad effect on her health. In such a situation, there was only one thing left for the woman to do – accept herself.
In an interview, Kate Upton recalls that: “It was hard for me when I was the only person in the modelling industry and everyone said you were fat. I know my body needs sport and a weight loss diet, but I also don’t starve myself or take drugs. I want to enjoy life and I can’t enjoy it if I don’t eat.” Kate first started accepting her body and then started working on it. She stopped heeding the heckling from other models and began to speak out about the problems at modelling agencies, where managers were negatively influencing models who were getting fat. In doing so, she not only gained confidence, but also publicity. Through social media, she informed the world about the problems of modelling, but also gave hope to all the other women whose bodies had suddenly started to change.
Today, Kate Upton is one of the most popular models in the world, has secured multi-million dollar contracts and has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine. Above all, however, she has become an inspiration to many young women who keep hearing that they are “fat” and “can’t achieve anything in life”. Kate Upton has shown that you can. It is possible to change your life.